dead screen first 4'15"
Import Wizard screen (8'42")
Paternity calculation (case 136) (21'50")
Kinship scenario input (case 138) (30'18")
Sample switch warning (case 140) (36'12")
Minimum frequency (41'23")
The DNAVIEW demo is recorded screen action with voice commentary,
covering mostly basic routine operation.
To view it,
Outline of demo (start times in parentheses) start at (4'15"):
- DNAVIEW as engine vs. ordinary ("administrator") use. (4'15")
- Analysis steps (5'40")
- Import/Export
- Genotyper import (6'00")
- worklist (6'55")
- create new worklist (8'05")
- discuss import format (8'45")
- Import complete (10'32")
- Casework analysis
- Case 135 routine paternity case (13'30")
- allele frequency mechanism (15'12")
- availability? (16'02")
- entering new population data (16'30")
- how easy? (17'20")
- Type in database (18'25")
- Compile a database (19'39")
- internal storage (19'58")
- Case 136 paternity case with mutation (21'10")
- mutation inner workings? (23'08")
- recognize mutation calculations (23'35")
- Case 137 motherless paternity case (25'20")
- Case 138 deficiency; Kinship case (25'36")
- change "language" (26:30")
- Estimate relationships; symbolic genotypes (26'45")
- Type in scenario to specify the kinship problem (27'41")
- correct the wrong input (29'56")
- Questions re kinship
- Case 139 inheritance example (33'57")
- Case 140 sample switch (36'00")
- version updates? (36'35")
- mutation in kinship? (37'35")
- (wrong demonstration) (37'59"39'39")
- correct demonstration (39'39")
- What is Housekeeping? (40'18")
- calculation options (41'15")
- locus maintenance (43'00")
- add a locus (44'15")
- try to reorder locus list (46'15")
- documentation (47'20")
Racial distances (48'25")
Disaster analysis (49'02")
END (49'35")
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